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Shaping the Future of Telepresence

preserving the  human element in electronic attendance

At Ä“ttend, our mission is to seamlessly bridge distances through remote attendance aka Telepresence while preserving the essential human element. We believe that even in the digital realm, connections should be personal, emotions tangible, and experiences profoundly human.

Ä“ttend is dedicated to redefining electronic attendance by infusing it with the warmth and authenticity that make every interaction, no matter the distance, a genuinely human experience.


how we do this

We have developed a patent pending method that integrates cutting-edge hardware and software with professional interviewers who represent you on-site. This sophisticated approach ensures that visitors can deeply engage with the content at their own pace, offering a personalized and insightful discovery experience.

lets start by making your
trade show booth ettendable

Ä“ttendance represents a defining shift in how businesses communicate their story and engage customers, offering a completely new approach that combines enhanced fidelity with unprecedented versatility. It empowers companies to transcend traditional forms of promotion, infusing their storytelling with modernity and dynamism. It's about elevating brand storytelling to new heights, enriching it with interactive elements, fostering a deeper connection with customers in the digital age, all while embracing the value of long-form content. 


Our customized recording robot takes the 'tech' part of the experience out of the equation, eliminating performance anxiety and ensuring natural interaction between on screen personas.


Your proxy on-location is called a co-pilot, and they are your eyes, ears and voice. These co-pilots are chosen for their experience, knowledge and relationships.



The interactive interface puts you in the Pilots seat, you can choose where to explore, dive into extra content and connect directly with the manufacturers, exhibitors and individuals.

INteractive features overview.png




The Interactive booth is  a revolutionary new way of preserving your trade show experience digitally so it can be utilized in a variety of ways for the rest of the year.


These can be embedded on to your website and used as a three dimensional sales tool for those who weren't able to see you at the show and for those who were as a catchup service. 


We're working on some cool new stuff.

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